Iperion project
Joint research for faster scientific advancement. IPERION CH Joint Research Activities are focused on advancing diagnostics for improving access services and tools available to researchers and professionals in Heritage Science across Europe. The consortium foresees promising scientific and technological advancements that can also foster innovation potential and eventually lead to broader impact through involvement of SMEs. IPERION CH JRA address the current needs of the research community, aiming to: (a) advance techniques and instruments for non-invasive stratigraphic analyses, (b) integrate analytical techniques in new portable instruments and imaging devices, optimizing mobile diagnostics, (c) advance diagnostic techniques for efficient monitoring of deterioration and conservation treatments, (d) improve methods for analyses of organic components in historical and archaeological samples, (e) unify digital tools and protocols for storing, re-using and sharing multi-format scientific cultural heritage data.
Integrating activities for a structured scientific community.The long established networking culture at the heart of IPERION CH will reinforce and support the pooling of European resources to build a highly coordinated RI that operates at a global level, opening access internationally to a research area of great social and economic interest, in which Europe traditionally excels and plays a leading role. IPERION CH will contribute to enhanced and innovative research for movable, immovable and digital European Heritage. The coordinated and integrated approach helps promote interoperability among facilities, while avoiding duplication of efforts. IPERION CH will: (a) jointly identify the most significant research priorities and future scientific challenges, (b) promote trans-national access activities to reach new communities of users, (c) devise efficient methodologies for exploitation and transfer of innovation to industry, (d) define best practices and protocols for measurements with fixed and mobile instruments, (e) optimize and advance the use of digital tools in Heritage Science, and (f) develop strategies towards a sustainable European RI on Heritage Science.