Understanding Europe – Promoting the European Public and Cultural Space

Monday, October 17, 2016 - 09:30 to Tuesday, October 18, 2016 - 17:30
Covent Garden building of the European Commission, Place Charles Rogier 16, Brussels

The conference Understanding Europe – Promoting the European Public and Cultural Space addresses the key issues of (digital) cultural heritage, identity formation as well as intellectual, artistic, creative and historical legacy of the European Union. The conference is organised for discussing with new projects selected for Horizon 2020 funding under the H2020-REFLECTIVE-2014 & 2015 call the policy aspects of their research objectives. The conference provides an excellent opportunity for enabling contact and cooperation between on-going EU-funded research projects on "Cultural Heritage and European Identities", heritage practitioners and policy makers from the European Institutions.

The conference is held on Monday 17th October 2016 in Brussels, in the Covent Garden building of the European Commission, Place Charles Rogier 16, Brussels.

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Agenda [OCX]